Win Movie Passes for The Railway Man Starring Nicole Kidman & Colin Firth

Update:  Cheryl O’Brien and Katy Attebery are the winners!

Screening Date:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 – 7:30 PM
Regal Tara Cinemas-Atlanta
2345 Cheshire Bridge Road N.E., Atlanta, GA 30324


A former British Army officer, who was tormented as a prisoner of war at a Japanese labor camp during World War II, discovers that the man responsible for much of his treatment is still alive and sets out to confront him.

Rated: R for disturbing prisoner of war violence

Stars:  , , | »

Two Aha! Subscribers will win 2 passes!

 Here’s how to win:

  1. Enter a comment on this post explaining that you are an Aha! Subscriber and why you want to win! (We will verify you are an Aha! email Subscriber)
  2. The winner will be contacted by Monday evening, April 14th and their passes will be emailed to them.
  3. Please note the movie screening is Tuesday, (4/15) at 7:30  at Tara Cinema…so don’t enter if you can’t go then!

13 thoughts on “Win Movie Passes for The Railway Man Starring Nicole Kidman & Colin Firth

  1. I’m an Aha subscriber and appreciate all of Audra’s news! Would love to win tix for tomorrow’s film. Looks interesting and good cast. Thanks!

  2. I’m an AHA subscriber, and would love to go! Love Colin Firth, and the story looks amazing.

  3. I’m an Aha subscriber and enjoy all of Audra’s news! I Would love to win ticketsfor tomorrow nites film. The movie looks very interesting and has a great cast. Thank you!

  4. I’m an Aha! email subscriber. Your newsletter is a great source of information and we like that it’s focused on our area. I’d love to get out of the house and see this movie. Thank you!

  5. How can you live in Dunwoody and not be an AHA! subscriber? The commitment to community and getting out the right info is amazing! We use the AHA! for business communication and personal information. Keep up the great work and thanks, Audra.

  6. I’m an Aha subscriber and I LOVE Colin Firth! I watch every single movie he is in! My favorites being Pride and Prejudice and the Bridget Jones Diary series. What an amazing actor!!

  7. I am an Aha subscriber and tell my friends about the wonderful source of information that Aha offers along with opportunities to see amazing movies before their release. I would love the chance to see Colin Firth’s latest achievement.

  8. I am an AHA subscriber and would love to see this movie with an amazing cast with a great story

  9. I have a denist appt and taxes are due that day so relaxing to watch a movie would be awesome:) I am and will always be an AHA subscriber!

  10. This Aha subscriber would love to see this movie as it’s a little connection to my Dad, a WWII hero. Plus, I love Colin Firth!

  11. I have come to depend on the Aha Connection on a daily basis. I would love to see this movie and forget the pain of tax day for a couple of hours!

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