Wildcats Support Red Cross Nepal Relief Effort

Excerpt from the DHS eNews
I’m sure you’ve seen the news reports about the recent earthquake that has devastated Nepal. Like many, you probably felt deep sadness for the people affected, and wondered what you could possibly do to help from so far away.
What you may not have realized is that, for some members of our Wildcat family, the earthquake did not affect strangers. We have several students at Dunwoody High School who are refugees from Nepal. They are active members of our school community — they sing in the chorus concerts, cheer at the pep rallies, and, if you attended the International Night festivities last week, you might have tasted some of their food and seen some of the girls dancing traditional dances in the talent exhibition. These students, and other members of the Nepali refugee community in Dunwoody, are organizing relief efforts and they need our help.  
Here’s how you can help:
If you are planning to attend Honors Night or the end of year pep rally this week, please bring a donation to support relief efforts in Nepal. If you aren’t attending Honors Night but still want to support the cause, send your donation to school with your student. There will be a donations box in the main office and in Ms. Vesole’s classroom (room 1203).  Unfortunately we cannot accept checks. ALL DONATIONS COLLECTED WILL BE GIVEN TO THE AMERICAN RED CROSS and earmarked for the Nepal Relief Effort.
Let’s show our Wildcat generosity and support these members of our community!
Thank you in advance.
The Dunwoody ESOL Program