What Your Kids Are Not Telling You

Parents, Teens & Tweens!

Don’t miss this special presentation!

Living from the Inside Out

Honest Talk About What Your Kids Aren’t Telling You

Sunday evening, March 27, 2011

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

MJCCA, 5342 Tilly Mill Road

to register click here


Stacey DeWitt, founder and CEO, Connect with Kids

What people are saying…

“Stacey DeWitt is extremely knowledgeable about the social, cultural and academic issues facing today’s student population. She brings that expertise to the table to educate parents and educators about their role as both a source of and remedy to those stresses. While the give and take format is lively and humorous there is no mistaking the passion or seriousness of her message.  Marist parents are richer for her insight and common sense approach to helping our children navigate beyond the teen years and into successful adulthood.”

Barbara Nye, Parent Coordinator, Marist School Families in Action

Time Magazine reported in its Man of the Year feature on Mark Zuckerberg that due in part to social media, the possibility of connection is accelerating at an extraordinary pace. As biologist E.O. Wilson says, “We’re in uncharted territory.”

Yet sociologists report that levels of teen stress, anxiety and depression are reaching an all-time high. How are today’s hot topics… like bullying, cyberbullying, drugs and alcohol… symptoms of the bigger issue of today’s lack of real connections? How do the always-smiling Facebook faces play a role? Are test scores and college admissions the key to success… or our demise?

We are living through this time of transition – affecting not only the ways we connect with one another, but also the ways we parent our children. What was once considered private can now be shared among millions with a keystroke. Join us for a frank discussion on this “uncharted territory” – the ways technology and our drive for external reward are affecting human character. Let’s discuss what each of us can do to start living from the inside out with values and emphasis on what really matters.


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