Very pushy solicitor selling home alarm systems

A white male with dirty blond hair & a City of Dwdy solicitor’s badge banged on my door today. I spoke to him thru the window and he said he wasn’t trying to sell me anything, but he represents GE. He points to the wires leading from the street pole to my house and says that there are upgrades going on with these wires. His shirt had an embroidered GE logo, so I stupidly opened the door and stepped outside, so I could understand if a utility company was going to be messing with my wires. That’s when I saw his clipboard with a picture of an alarm system. I immediately told him I wasn’t interested, but he wasn’t having it. He said that he saw my alarm company sign in the yard and that I need to understand that thieves are cutting the phone wires, so that no call will be made to the alarm center. I told him I understand, but I’m not interested. I was very stern and told him to get off my property. He continued to try to explain the wire thing to me. By then, I was pretty angry. I then asked him for his name, and he said “Joe”…I told him that was funny since his solicitor badge said William. He showed me another company card with Joe on it. He still wouldn’t leave. I told him I was going to call the Dwdy police and he said I couldn’t b/c he had a badge and is allowed to do this. I told him that it’s my property and I want him off and he won’t leave. I told him ppl in Dwdy are sick of solicitors like him coming around selling stuff we don’t want – we tell them we aren’t interested, and they won’t leave. At this point we were pretty much yelling at each other, and I accused him of refusing to leave my property. He yelled back, “yeah, because you won’t listen!” I said, “That’s right! And I don’t HAVE to listen to you. I don’t want to listen to you. I want you to leave my property!” He stormed off, I slammed the door and called 911. The police did catch up with him and his excuse was, “I have a job to do”. The cop told him that “no means no” and he has to leave the property if someone says they aren’t interested. He continued to say he has a job to do, and then the cop said that this guy actually started trying to sell HIM an alarm system! The cop had to tell HIM several times that he didn’t want what he was selling, and tell him to STOP several times. After that, he photographed the guy and was about to take him to jail, but the guy finally said he’d stop soliciting for today. The cop said that if a solicitor comes to your door and you tell them you’re not interested in what they’re selling, and they won’t leave, call 911!