The Parks & Rec Bonds – Audra’s personal opinion

I have an unwritten rule about mixing politics with The Aha! Connection.   I graciously refused all offers from political candidates to pay to advertise with Aha!   I have no doubt that if you are a Dunwoody resident then you either have a direct or indirect personal connection to one of the local candidates and/or have seen plenty of advertisements in all forms of media from the candidates.

I’m personally proud of all candidates because they have all stepped up to offer their services on behalf of the City of Dunwoody.   My skin isn’t thick enough for those jobs so I’m thrilled that others are willing to take on these important political roles!

I’m going to break my own rule now and take this opportunity to give you my opinion about the Parks Bonds.    I created the Aha! Connection to help keep people “connected“.  A huge percentage of the original Aha! Connection subscribers are parents I met at parks and playgrounds while our children played together.  Parks help keep us connected like churches, schools, synagogues, playgrounds, swimming pools, neighborhoods etc.

I put one of the Parks Bonds informational meetings on my personal calendar and when the time rolled around we were in the middle of dinner on a school/work night.  I really didn’t want to go because I was tired from a long day of work and the boys had homework and we weren’t finished eating.   However, oddly enough,  I told the boys to grab their dinner and get in the car and we met my husband there.    My boys were the only two kids at the meeting but  they sat and listened politely.    I’ll make a long story short…..My boys heard every word said and are so excited about the possibilities of some great parks to play sports in, to ride bikes in, to picnic in, to hike nature trails in, to walk our dog in, to learn history in,  to throw together a few friends and just toss the football around in and the list goes on!

Since that meeting where we heard pros and cons about the bonds, my boys have helped me and my husband put VOTE PARKS YES signs in my yard and the yards of others, my 10 year old has offered to pay the first year’s taxes with his own money (I’m not kidding).    The same innocent child has said to me over and over “Mom, why don’t you put something on The Aha! Connection telling people to vote yes for parks”.   Well- he’s getting his wish –I’ve decided to tell you that I’m voting yes for parks today!

I voted YES to the City of Dunwoody a few years ago and I trust my LOCALLY ELECTED, LOCAL RESIDENT, City of Dunwoody Council members and Mayor to make the best decisions for all of the City of Dunwoody.   The current council has gone out of their way to demonstrate their intentions by finding land and drawing up possible plans.   These plans excite me and my family.  I realize the plans aren’t flawless however, I trust that if the parks bonds pass,  the City Council will work hard to address all of the current issues and concerns and find great resolutions while simultaneously improving our city’s park system!

~I just wanted to share my thoughts in case you haven’t made up your mind yet and wanted to know my opinion!  If you disagree…that’s okay too….I have friends that “agree to disagree” with me all the time!   Whether you agree or disagree please take the time to go vote today!   Your opinion matters.