The Journey Remembered – video for Alzheimer’s Patients

Submitted by Julia Olson:

I am trying to spread the word about a new DVD series for the memory impaired.  I have a colleague who is a geriatric nurse, and she developed the concept based on her years of experience in working with older adults.  Having suffered through the pain of watching my Mother struggle with Alzheimers, I am thrilled at what this series could mean for the memory impaired community.  So many folks with memory loss sit idle, without stimulation, because it is hard to relate to them, or for them to relate to us.  The Journey Remembered is a way to engage their minds of a level that works for them.

Here is the note Gayle sent me.

Over 5.3 million people are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States and there is very little entertainment available for their enjoyment.  The Journey Remembered DVDs were designed to entertain people with memory loss by creating access to deep rooted memories of the past with uplifting visual images and beautifully created music designed to relax and entertain the viewer.   Please forward this e-mail to anyone you may know who has a loved one suffering from memory loss.  The video on the web site is certainly worth viewing.

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