Thank you letters to the troops

Update:  I heard today that “Berts Big Thank You” has surpassed their goal of 400,000 “Thank You” letters.  Thanks to all the AHA readers who contributed to this worthy cause to put a well deserved “Thank You” letter in the hands of every service person for Thanksgiving.

Submitted by Gregg V:

I heard about the following today on the radio while I was driving home from school.  The Bert Show is having a “Big Thank You” and asking for 400,000 letters for soldiers for Thanksgiving.  Besides the fact that I think its a wonderful idea it coincidentally ties into the “letter writing” activities that my 6th graders are now learning at school.

Please remember NOT to underestimate the value a simple letter can have to a soldier! I also encourage you to spread the word to your schools, churches, youth groups, etc.

 Click here to find out more.