Take Time This Week to Say Thanks to your Kids Teachers!

thank you teacherClick here for original post on the Dunwoody School Daze Blog

At Sunday’s Public Forum 2 DCSS teachers spoke and, while we all know the issues they have faced, pay cuts, larger class sizes, furlough days, 2 faces were put to those frustrations yesterday. I further realized how deeply they have been affected emotionally by the actions of the Central Office Administration and DeKalb School Board.

The following was sent out to the Kingsley Charter Elementary community last night, but I am hoping the parents of all our schools will take the same action. It’s not Teacher Appreciation Week. It doesn’t have to be.

Let’s not forget our teachers and administration during this time of turmoil and uncertainty at the county level. Teachers needs to hear from parents. Teachers need to know how much they are appreciated. Teachers are doing more with less and on salaries that haven’t seen increases in six years.
Make it a goal this week to:
1. Write a note to your child’s teacher letting them know what a difference they are making in your child’s life.
2. Write a note to your child’s teacher LAST year. Let them know how they’ve paved the way for them.
3. Write notes to other teachers that your child has experienced through specials, Discovery, art, music, etc.
Perhaps there are other ways you can show your thanks. Don’t wait! Do it now. It is critical that we make sure that our teachers know that they are not alone in the challenges they face and that we want to see them return next year