Update: Sweet Deal Just For You: $5 for $10 Starbucks Card

Update: Although the Starbucks cards sold out FAST…look what else happened….we have two Dunwoody area schools at the top of the list!   Way to go Vanderlyn and Montgomery moms!!

Savings for Schools

I only forward deals that I think are especially relevant to many of you.   This one definitely has potential to sell out…..1/2 price Starbucks + a donation to your school of choice.   When you buy you get to choose your school.   I picked Vanderlyn and so they’ll get benefits from me purchasing a ½ price Starbucks card!

And in case y’all didn’t know I’m a pretty competitive type girl and I want y’all to buy these because I want to see all of our Dunwoody schools on their list of top supported schools…

Thanks to my friend James V. for forwarding on this deal.   I didn’t know about Mamapedia until now.   You can click the link below or click on the picture of the Starbucks Card below.
