Remembering World War 1 program at Dunwoody Library 11/15

Through the eyes of a WWI combat engineer

A special program commemorating the 100th anniversary of World War I and Veteran’s Day, presented by Dr. Virginia Dilkes. Her talk, based on her father’s memoirs, describes the battlefields of France, the triumphal march through Luxembourg and serving in the U.S. Army of Occupation in Germany. She will also discuss the geo-political legacies of the war and the participation of Georgia divisions, generals and soldiers.

In addition, Brandon Lin will display numerous WWI artifacts from the American Military History Mobile Museum. Dr. Dilkes’ book and other WWI books will be available for purchase.

Wednesday, November 15, 7:00 PM
Williams room of the Dunwoody Library

Free! Refreshments at 6:30. Program at 7:00

Presented by the Friends of the Dunwoody Library.


Dunwoody Library
(770) 512-4640