Preparing Your Child for College Acceptance

New Date: Wednesday, January 8th
Time: 6:30 pm, social and desserts; 7:00 pm, meeting starts, panel discussion


Dunwoody High School
5035 Vermack Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30338

Topic: Preparing Your Child for College Acceptance

This meeting is geared towards middle and early high school students and their parents. We’ll have a panel of representatives from local colleges and test preparation experts to answer all of your questions. They will also be giving tips for things you can do now to better prepare your child for college applications/acceptance in the years to come. 

Please note, this is an evening meeting and we hope the time change will allow for more parents to attend. For this particular meeting and topic, we also encourage middle and high school students to attend, as well.

Again, we hope you can make it! 


DCPC Board

