Plant Sale at the Dunwoody Nature Center

Go to to select from nearly 50 plants that represent some of the best choices for our area, most of which are native species. These are plants not commonly found at the usual nurseries and big-box garden centers. Proceeds from the sale help support the Dunwoody Nature Center, one of our community’s greatest natural treasures

Order by Friday, April 15

Pick Up Dates: Friday, April 29, 2-4 pm and Saturday, April 30, 10 am – Noon

Here’s an example :

Hibiscus coccineus / Scarlet hibiscus. The scarlet hibiscus is a slender shrubby herbaceous perennial that dies back in winter and re-sprouts in spring. The scarlet hibiscus is one of the largest and most beautiful of North American native flowers. Likes a moist soil and can tolerate flooding. Native plant .. Does best in full sun … 6-8; … likes moisture … 1 Gallon Plant $5