PALS (Perimeter Adult Learning Services) will hold its Fall 8 week session from September 12 – November 7, 2016 (no class October 3) at the Dunwoody Baptist Church. Classes include Southwestern Indians, Financial Planning, Foundation Therapy, Examining Your Funny Bone, the Black Experience 1600 -1800, Art of the Middle Ages, Suspense in American Cinema and Election 2106 and the Media, with leading columnists and commentators from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, as well as 2 professors from Georgia State University, discussing the 2016 election. There will also be Bridge and Mah Jongg (with instruction for Mah Jongg). Classes are held at 10:00 am, 11:15 am and 1:15 pm, with lunch from 12:15 -1:15 pm. Lunches can be purchased in advance for $8 or can be brought from home. Further information can be found at or by calling the PALS office at 770-698-0801.
Bart Smith
(770) 698-0801