Olympus Has Fallen – movie review


Synopsis:  Disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers.

Rated R for strong violence and language throughout

Audra’s Review:   This movie kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time!  It was full of action and drama from the minute it started!  I let my 14 year old see it a few weeks ago (which is very rare since it is rated R) and he has been telling me that I “had to go see it” ever since.   I love action and drama so this was perfect for me!  The blood and gore and constant flinging of profanity are definitely worthy of the R rating but this is a great movie for date night.   The men in your life will certainly enjoy it!

Audra’s Brother’s Review:

“Olympus Has Fallen” has actually instead risen up some fond memories of favorite movies from the past.  In this action packed thriller, The President (Aaron Eckhart) is as tough as Harrison Ford was in “Air Force One”.  The connection Gerard Butler has to the first family brought back memories of the sense of duty Kevin Costner had in his role in “The Bodyguard” without having to hear Whitney singing in the background.  In a hostage/takeover situation, cunning and wiles are needed just as in one of my favorite childhood movies; “Toy Soldiers” with Sean Astin.  This movie has action, heart, and honor all built around a horrific situation that most have feared since 9/11.  I would highly recommend this movie!   Plus, it was great seeing Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett, Aaron Eckhart, and Gerard Butler together since they all have appeared in some of my favorite superhero movies. 

Click here for the Plugged In Movie Review to help you decide if you should see it!

One comment on “Olympus Has Fallen – movie review

  1. My hubby and I saw this at Atlantic Station, for the advance press showing, (Thanks to AUDRA for the tickets we won in her contest!!) and loved it! We too were on the edge of our seats the whole time and thought the acting was superb.

    Yes there’s profanity and lots of blood and guts, but unfortunately
    that is the world we live in today. Doubtful most teens would be
    offended or find it too intense.

    We were quite surprised to see that it was given a C by the Atlanta Journal movie reviewers…we DEFINITELY thought it was at least B+
    and worth seeing. We love action movies and the cast is excellent!

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