“Offer and Compromise” Being Filmed in Dunwoody

I’ve seen several people posting pictures on Facebook with “Mellie from Scandal” and I’ve had numerous people ask me about a movie filming in Dunwoody Club Forest.  Comment if you know more but here’s the scoop I got from IMDB about the movie:

Henry Warner has wife that wants somebody else’s life, a teenage daughter who wants her own apartment, an 8 year old daughter who wants to be Wayne Gretzky, his mother-in-law hates him and his five year old son has yet to speak. Henry and his family make an unlikely connection with Travis Parker, a kid with his first job at a collection agency that is inhabited by a diverse group of lifers. Ultimately, Travis and the Warner family’s fates are tied together as they both struggle to break free of debts, both financial and emotional.

Director:  Valerie Landsburg

Writer:  Dylan Otto

4 thoughts on ““Offer and Compromise” Being Filmed in Dunwoody

  1. Last week they were filiming in front of Vanderlyn and the sign was changed saying “Vanderbilit High School get your Prom tickets”

  2. A few scenes for the movie were filmed at our neighbors house. We did watch “Mellie” shoot one scene but didn’t speak to her. The production crew were really nice and let my boys come over to help set up some of the props and also watch some of the scenes be filmed.

  3. Hi everyone, I am the location scout who brought the film to Dunwoody so I hope you all have had a good experience! We are hoping to get more production in the area so if you receive a scouting letter from me on your door, please call me back! Also, if you are open to filming, consider shooting me an email and I can add you to our database. tcoffie@mac.com

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