Need a Bike Rack? (or Know Someone Who Does?) – Mitch can help!

photomitchAs many of you have noticed, Dunwoody is slowly becoming more bicycle- friendly. Mitch Garber (a.k.a. Bike Guy) has been working to put bicycle racks in appropriate locations throughout the city for several years. You may have noticed racks sponsored by the Dunwoody Preservation Trust ( and installed by the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition ( that have appeared in Georgetown Shopping Center and Dunwoody Village (the picture is of the one at the recently renovated Kroger in Georgetown Shopping Center). Mitch is hoping to continue installations of the racks in various locations, but needs your help – if you are or know of someone who has a location that would be good for such a rack (they take up minimal space, and are stainless steel, thus virtually maintenance-free), he would like you to contact him. The installations and racks have been at no cost to the installation location, but will require a signature from the property owner or manager.


Mitch Garber