Nancy Jester Live Blogging Tonight’s DeKalb BOE Meeting

Nancy Jester, District 1’s elected former representative to the DeKalb Board of Education (DBOE) — and whistleblower, who exposed fraud, waste, mismanagement and corruption in DeKalb County Schools — will be live blogging tonight’s BOE meeting, beginning at 6 PM.

Go to

Other places to watch, listen and participate, beginning at 6 PM:
(1) The Patch will broadcast Nancy Jester’s live blog feed from their website.

(2) DeKalb School Watch ( also will be live blogging tonight’s DBOE meeting.

(3) Live streaming on (ignore their schedule; it is often incorrect).

(4) Live broadcast on Comcast channel 24.

For complete information, go to DeKalb School Watch ( and go to Nancy’s blog, What’s Up With That? (

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