Movie shooting in Dunwoody next week and could impact traffic!

The film company, Bambino Films, LLC, will be filming scenes for the upcoming motion picture “Baby Driver” in the Perimeter area.   Stars listed as actors in the film are Jamie Foxx and Kevin Spacey among others.

The filming dates are currently scheduled for Wednesday, 3/16, Thursday, 3/17 and Monday, 3/21, between the hours of 6:00 am and 8:00 pm.

The majority of the activity will be on private property located at the Suntrust Bank building on the corner of Perimeter Center East directly across from the Exxon on Ashford Dunwoody.

New info from a subscriber who talked to the crew:  “There is an open for business Suntrust on Perimeter Center West and that is not where the shooting will be. There is a closed (for years) old Suntrust building on Perimeter Center East between the Exxon and the Starbucks and that is where they will be. No one would know this is a Suntrust unless you have lived here for years, there is no sign. It’s on the corner of the turn in at Perimeter Center East and is kind of a dingy building with sloping white slides. The getwaway scenes will be when you leave Perimeter Center East and go left towards Hammond and to the right towards McDonalds. Both on Ashford Dunwoody. I use the entrance to the office park at this exact location for work so I was very interested and asked for more clarification. The traffic is terrible right there on a normal day. Not sure if is worth mentioning, but thought you might find it of interest.”

Throughout those three days, the filming company will be filming scenes of a SIMULATED bank robbery, which will involve fake GUNFIRE and driving stunts on the property.

During the hours of 9:00 am and 11:30 am, on all three – 3/16, 3/17 & 3/21 – the film crew will be temporarily holding traffic on Ashford Dunwoody Rd. between Perimeter Center East/West (McDonald’s) and Hammond Dr., to perform driving scenes on Ashford Dunwoody Rd.

Please expect traffic delays during these times. The film company asks that you plan accordingly. The Dunwoody Police Department will be assisting with the traffic management and will be on site for all filming activity.

Bambino Films, LLC will make every effort to minimize the impact on the neighborhood/Perimeter area.