Mission Monday is coming! This is a fun way to serve as a family. We plan to make 400 lunches at each gathering, for a total of 2000 lunches to support Action Ministries’ “Smart Lunch, Smart Kid” program. Nearly 800,000 children in Georgia receive free or reduced-price lunch at school, a crucial meal that disappears in the summer. We can help ensure that these kids are fed during the summer. Please click the link and sign up to donate: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0E44A8AA29AB9-mission . Please forward….. The more the merrier! Donations can be placed in the labeled bin outside the nursery area at Dunwoody Methodist Church.
Who: YOU and your family (all ages are welcome)
When: June 9, 23, 30 and July 7, 14, 21*
5:30 pm
Where:DUMC Fellowship Hall
What: Potluck Supper (bring a summer dish to share), sandwich making and lunch packing.
We are looking for volunteers to provide:
- juice boxes
- fruit cups
- loaves of bread
- bags of chips
- sandwich bags
- monetary donations
- drivers to deliver meals to Action Ministries
Questions? Contact Amy Rohan (rohans@bellsouth.net).
* On July 21, instead of making lunches, we will be packing backpacks with school supplies for under privileged children in our community.