Local Thanksgiving Service Projects for Kids

Local Thanksgiving Service Projects for Kids
List courtesy of my friends at Pebble Tossers

Check out these local opportunities for kids and families to show their “thanks” through “giving” this month:

–  Serve a Thanksgiving meal to at-risk children at Create Your Dreams in Mid-town, Mon. Nov. 22, 3-5pm or Tues. Nov. 23, 5-7 pm.  Help prepare and serve food, then join the children for the meal.  Go to www.pebbletossers.org to sign up.

–  Help prepare  meals for the needy Thanksgiving Week:  Kids 12 and up and their parents can help prepare meals for the homeless and needy at HOSEA Feed the Hungry Nov. 20 – 28.  Registration is available NOW and spots fill quickly.   Go to www.pebbletossers.org to sign up.

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, PICU needs your gently used DVDs! If you have DVDs of movies your kids have out-grown or don’t watch anymore, consider donating them to the PICU Dept at CHOA.  Go to www.pebbletossers.org for more info.

For these and more urgent needs posted throughout the holidays, visit our Pebble Tossers website.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jen Guynn and Jeni Stephens

Co-Founders, Pebble Tossers Inc.