It’s time to sign up for Spring Baseball (yes-SPRING baseball)

My family has been actively involved with Murphey Candler Little League for seven years!   We have met some of our very best friends at MC Park.   I can’t believe it’s my oldest son’s last year of eligibility for Little League!  My how time flies….you can click on the MC logo to the right of this post and it will take you to the MC Website where you can register your kids to play the great game of baseball!  Register early to get a spot because you don’t want to get stuck on a waiting list…..If you have questions about MC you can review their website or I’ll be happy to answer questions for you too.  Please also see the note below from our MC President, Grant Morain, about some exciting changes to the Major League.
audra signature

Beginning in 2011, Murphey Candler is implementing a new program for the 11-12 year-olds. This year, all Major League players will play a core season of at least 12 scheduled games using the traditional field dimensions (46 ft pitcher’s mound and 60 base paths). After that, all Major players and teams will participate in a 50-70 Pilot Program. The league draws its name from the fact that it involves larger fields dimensions (50 ft pitcher’s mound and 70 foot base paths), but there are other important rule differences as well:

· Base runners may lead off (requiring pitchers to hold runners on base)

· Base runners may attempt stealing at any time (no need to wait until a pitch crosses home plate)

· Pitchers can execute pick-offs and balks will be called

· Head first slides are permitted

· A batter may advance to first on a dropped third strike under certain circumstances.

In addition to providing a more competitive brand of baseball, this new division of play will provide a bridge between the standard Little League Baseball field and a conventional baseball field.

MCLL Board President

Grant Morain