Incident involving a child in Springfield Neighborhood

Note: Summerford is off of Womack near the Dunwoody Library

Submitted by a concerned Aha! Subscriber:

I just wanted to let you know that Friday night at around 6:50 my 12 year old daughter was approached by 2 men in a white SUV that had stickers on the back of the window. She was walking our dog right around the corner from our house. They SUV started to follow her, she had her phone with her and called me right away, they stopped 3 times, getting out of the car all 3 times. Every time they stopped the passenger in the SUV got out he opened the back of the car while the driver stood and looked at my daughter. On the 3rd time the driver approached her, our dog went crazy, she ran into a neighbors carport immediately. The SUV went down the street and turned around, she ran home!! The SUV was seen by another adult in our neighborhood that said the men drove up and down Summerford  several times. It was also seen by other young girls on our cul- de- sac, driving slowly checking them out.


The SUV was white, it was smaller than a Tahoe, maybe a Trail Blazer, stickers on the back window, a bigger one right in the middle of the back window. One of the girls that saw it thought it may have a tire on the back. I saw the SUV, as my daughter was explaining it to me, the men drove past the top of our street. I was already in my car so I drove to the entrance of our neighborhood, they were already turning onto Chamblee Dunwoody with a car in between us. I didn’t  go any further,  I turned around to go back to my daughter and the other girls on the street. 

We called 911, the police were here before we were off the phone with the operator. We unfortunately did not get a license plate number. The Dunwoody Police were great and and encouraged us to call anytime there is anything suspicious on our streets – ANYTHING. They really do mean this, it is sooooo important. 

Please keep in mind there were kids and adults out everywhere, it’s not like there weren’t people out and around, my daughter just happened to be by herself for a few minutes. We are in shock that this happened on the streets that we walk, run and travel everyday.