Important Survey for Dunwoody Citizens concerned about public school

Note from Audra:  You can take this survey if you are a DHS Parent, DHS Teacher, Concerned Community Member or future DHS Parent…you do not currently have to have children at Dunwoody High School.

Click here to take this very important survey!

A group led by Pam Tallmadge and Jim Redovian is exploring the Charter
Cluster model as a possible local control option for Dunwoody area public
schools.  The first step of the exploration is a non-binding Letter of
Intent to be filed with the State and County Boards of Education.
The Letter of Intent proclaims that the community will consider, research,
and petition for Charter School Cluster status during the next year. To
that end, working committees will form to address all the considerations
of a locally controlled cluster. The Letter of Intent is not specific to
the structure and goals of a charter cluster, merely a proclamation that
the community wishes to consider this avenue.

The DHS School Council, comprised of parents, teachers, and business
representatives elected to represent our school in governance issues, is
considering our support for this initiative as well as other options for
local control, including a City of Dunwoody school system.  The work by
schools on the petition can form the foundation of the framework of an
independent school system.

What is a Charter Cluster?  The following links provide details about
legislation, guidelines, and other information:

Georgia Department of Education:

Code Section Code Section 20-2-2064 of the Official Code of Georgia:

Guidelines for Charter School Petitions, DeKalb County:

This survey assesses your support for the initiative to inform our final
decision.  All schools in the Dunwoody Cluster must also agree to sign the
Letter of Intent for this process to move forward.

Please respond to this survey within 24 hours.

If you have any questions, please contact Pam Tallmadge
( or Jim Redovian (

Thank you.

The Dunwoody High School Council

Please use this link for the survey: