Hot, Fresh Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Delivered Right to Your Door!

We are seniors in Dunwoody High School’s Academy of Finance. We are currently working on a project that teaches us the challenges that entrepreneurs face in their jobs daily. This fundraiser goes towards our Academy’s trip to New York City later this fall. Not only does this benefit our class, but a portion of our profits will be donated to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund to support the families of military personnel lost in service to our nation, and for severely wounded soldiers and veterans.


Thank you for your support!

Katie Martin, Kelly Botsch, Shari Ladson, Trey Brooks, & Jack Turner


To PRE-PAY, please send or drop off your order to the following address with PAYMENT ENCLOSED by Tuesday, August 23:

Katie Martin
4620 Dunover Circle
Dunwoody, GA 30360

To PAY UPON DELIVERY, please e-mail your order and information to the following by Wednesday, August 24:

Name _________________________________



Phone Number__________________________

_____ dozen   X   $7.00

Total: $_______

All doughnuts will be delivered Saturday, August 27th between the hours of 8:00-10:00 AM.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call or text Katie Martin at 404-488-0815 or e-mail us at