Holy Innocents’ Coach Named Male Coach of the Year

stacey-for-posting-on-news-sitesThe Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce and the sports management and marketing service XL212 have named Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School Varsity Wrestling Coach Stacey Davis as the Male Sport Coach of the year for 2012-2013.

The award, presented Tuesday, Aug. 27, at the Atlanta Athletic Club, was given in recognition of Davis’ outstanding academic, athletic and civic accomplishments.
“Stacey is an all-around great coach, and we are very proud to have him as a part of our coaching staff,” said Ruth Donahoo, HIES athletics director. “His knowledge, love of the sport and work ethic are what makes him so successful.

“What an outstanding role model for our students.”

Davis was honored as the USA Wrestling Official of the Year in 2011, and was one of only two wrestling officials in the United States to officiate at the 2012 London Olympics. He has also officiated at the 2011 World Wrestling Championships in Istanbul, Turkey, and the World Team Trials in Oklahoma City, and he heads to Budapest for the 2013 World Championships in September.

Davis is also Holy Innocents’ assistant director of admissions and coaches Middle School football and track.

The Powder Springs, Ga., resident has been a USA Wrestling referee since 1997.


Peggy Shaw