Holiday Safety News from The Dunwoody Police

Good afternoon Neighborhood Watch of Dunwoody,

Holidays are quickly approaching for us all.  I have found and attached an article published by National Neighborhood Watch (National Sheriff’s Association) that pertains to safety this holiday season.  It is very informative and relevant.  Please take the time to read and disseminate this throughout your communities.

I am soon to schedule a neighborhood watch “coordinator” meeting for early 2016 (January/February).  Please lookout for an email in December as I would like to have as many NW coordinators attend as possible.

DPD’s quarterly “Coffee With a Cop” will be held on December 1st at Crema Espresso Gourmet from 4pm to 7pm.  See attached flyer.  Visit for up to date information and more.

Coffee with a Cop flyer_8.5×11

Neighborhood Watch Holiday Safety