Help us find our lost chairs!-update chairs found


Thank you so much!!!   Thanks to The Aha! Connection our lost chairs have been located!  Also thank you to the people that found them and returned them.  I think we had them back less than an hour after you posted your blog!

Brad Dowling


Help us find our lost chairs!

We lost 4 chairs after the 4th of July parade. They were set up across from Forest Springs Drive (entrance to Dunwoody Club Forest) and near the corner of Stratham on Mount Vernon. They are 2 green adult chairs with North Fulton Hospital on them. The other 2 are kid’s purple REI chairs. All have our name DOWLING written on them. We set them up in the morning but ended up passing out candy during the parade with the Girl Scouts.

Thanks for your help. Have a great 4th!

Brad Dowling