Have you or your family considered bringing the culture from abroad to your home, by hosting a high school foreign exchange student?

Through Au Pair in America’s sister organization, Academic Year in America (AYA), families can host exchange students from 30 different countries. The AYA program not only enriches your family but also makes a dream of an international student come true. Homes needed now for students from Germany, China, and Brazil who have been approved but do not have homes. There are also semester long opportunities.

Academic Year in America was founded with the assistance of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, a non-profit international high school exchange organization that brings students from over 35 countries to live with American host families to learn our language and culture.

Each year, close to 1,000 young people from more than 30 countries come to the United States on the Academic Year in America program. AYA students are the best young “ambassadors” of their countries. They have studied English for at least three years and have solid academic records. Each student is accepted after a careful review of their application and a personal interview. As a Host Family, you would provide a place for the student to sleep and study, 2 meals per day, and a warm family environment.

To learn more about becoming a host family, please contact Stella Jacaruso at (800) 322-4678 ext. 5164 or e-mail aya.info@aifs.com. Visit AYA on the web at www.academicyear.org.   Please mention my name.  Or, contact me directly.

Cindy Hallen
Au Pair in America, Atlanta
A division of the American Institute for Foreign Study