Half cost movie tickets

Aha! Subscriber Patty L. told me about this last Thursday.   I try to check things out before forwarding to you all and I must admit I was very skeptical upon first clicking on the website.   I asked Patty if she could confirm it worked and she reported that her family has used the service twice and was successful on both occasions.

So….Troy and I bought Super 8 tickets from this site on Saturday and it worked like a charm.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Go to this website:  http://halfpricemovieticket.com/
  2. Enter the date of the show and your zip code
  3. The nearby participating theatres will appear and you click on the desired time listed under the movie you want to see
  4. Follow the directions for number of tickets and enter your credit card or pay pal account information and complete the transaction
  5. You will receive an email confirmation immediately
  6. About an hour before your movie  you will get the “ticket information” in an email with choices for printing the tickets at home or getting them from the kiosk at the theatre

I input my confirmation at the theatre kiosk, printed my tickets and walked right in….we got it for 1/2 price plus a $2 surcharge!   Easy, breezy, and cheap!

It may not last long but worked like a charm for me on Saturday!