Friends of Dunwoody Library Book Sale–Sep 22, 23, 24, 26

Click here to go to the website for more details


Thursday Sep 22 1:00 PM—4:00 PM Members Only
Thursday Sep 22 4:00 PM—8:00 PM Open to the
General Public
Friday Sep 23 10:00 AM—5:00 PM Open to the
General Public
Saturday Sep 24 10:00 AM—5:00 PM Open to the
General Public
Sunday Sep 25 Closed Closed
Monday* Sep 26 10:00 AM—8:00 PM Open to the
General Public


**Monday is Bag Day.  All of the books, CDs, DVD, magazines, puzzles, etc. that will fit inside a brown paper bag are only $6.00.

The Friends of the Dunwoody Library book sales, held three times a year, are our biggest source of revenue, but are also a service to the community by making available a wide variety of quality books and other materials at very attractive prices.  Approximately 25,000 items are offered at each sale.  Many volunteers spend many hours organizing the books during the week prior to the sale.  Our customers tell us they really appreciate the effort, which makes it much easier for them to find what they want.

The sales are held at the library.  The largest part of the sale, in the large meeting room, is adult fiction and nonfiction books.  In the smaller Friends room you will find children’s books, plus AV materials, puzzles and games, and  computer books.  In the hallway are somewhat older titles at bargain prices and a wide variety of magazines.  There is also a silent auction of interesting materials.

For the first three hours of the sale, only Friends members are allowed to shop—a privilege of membership!  Friends should check in at the membership table in the hallway and get a number, then line up by number shortly before the doors open.  After 4:00 and for the remainder of the sale, everyone is welcome.  On Monday, fill a large paper grocery sack and pay only $6.00

Books that are left after the sale are donated to other charitable organizations—schools, veterans, nursing homes, etc., and Goodwill.  Between sales, there is an ongoing sale—several carts of books in the hallway outside the Friends room which are restocked daily.  Make your selection and pay at the desk in the library.

We think we have the best book sale around!  Come and see for yourself!