Free Movies: Always arrive early and know that seats are never guaranteed!

TONS of you took advantage of the invitation to see The Hundred Foot Journey on Monday and loved it!   However, there was a little snafu with the RSVP list so I wanted to update you.   All free movie screenings work the same way in that they are overbooked to insure a full theater.   Critics/press are invited to these movies and Hollywood wants full theaters so that the press can gauge audience reaction.  Because Hollywood wants full theaters, I’m able to offer FREE passes to you fairly often.   The Aha! Subscribers are atypical in that when we sign up for passes…we go and use them!  However, “other” people with access to free passes will snag a pass and simply not go.   This is devastating to the company who manages the screenings because they’ll end up with empty theaters that they are paid to fill!  It’s a balancing act for the folks in charge as they try to insure that the theater is full but that nobody is turned away from the opportunity to see the movie.

The young woman in charge of Monday’s screening is a new employee and didn’t realize she was dealing with our atypical audience.  She overbooked the theater more than necessary.  The good news is that additional movie passes to other future free screenings are  given as consolation prizes to people who are turned away.   Unfortunately, the confirmation everyone received about their tickets Monday was also very vague and did not clearly indicate that seating is first come first served and not guaranteed.  In the future this will be clearly indicated in all communications from this company.

In summary, the new girl learned her lesson and the whole company has been reminded that The Aha! Connection shows up when you ask us to fill a theater!

Many of you have passes to see When the Game Stands Tall tonight.  Please keep all of this in mind when preparing to head to the theater.   You’ll need to arrive early!  There are probably enough seats for everyone (I double-checked) but if some of you get turned away be sure to sign up for a consolation prize and try not to take it personally….these folks are trying to do their best to keep everyone happy!  They know you left work early, changed around your kids schedules, cut your workout short, got someone to walk the dog etc…and I promise they want everyone to have a seat if at all possible!

p.s.  My 16 year old will be working at tonight’s screening.  This is the first time he’s done this so I’m especially hopeful that there are enough seats for everyone so his first day goes smoothly!