Free Financial Literacy Programs ages 10-23 – Dunwoody Area

The Jonathan D. Rosen Family Foundation (the Foundation) – an Atlanta area non-profit organization – is finding that word of mouth is generating rapidly growing interest in their free financial workshops for middle, high school and college students. The workshops, Wealthy Habits, offers attendees aged 10-23 with a year-round opportunity to learn the basics about money management, become familiar with various forms of credit, learn debt reduction/avoidance strategies and familiarize themselves with investment strategies. The workshops are tailored to be age-appropriate and provide attendees with an engaging, fun and interactive means to learn the financial skills that many parents agree are lacking in modern public school curricula.

The Rosen Family Foundation runs workshops on a continual basis. Enrollment information can be found by visiting the Foundation’s website at

Please share with your group and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Tracy Tanner
Executive Director

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Tracy Tanner