Free Driving Class For Teens And Their Parents To Be Held At Holy Innocents’

Note from Audra:  I’ve already signed up for this!

sspdOne of the goals of the Sandy Springs Police Department is to reach every teen and the parents of teens in our area to prepare them for the responsibilities of driving.

A FREE two-hour class designed by the Sandy Springs Police to help parents and their new (or soon to be) teen drivers, ages 14 to 16, will be offered at Holy Innocents’ on Thursdsay, Feb. 6 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Due to the popularity of this class within the HIES community – normally taught monthly at the Sandy Springs Police Department – the city is offering this special, one-time class on our campus.

There are no attendance restrictions except that a parent must accompany each teen.

Registration prior to the class is mandatory. Click here now to download a registration form (the form can also be downloaded through the link on the left of this page). Once completed, please return it to

The class is relaxed, informative, and fun. It will be taught in Malcolm Library by officers of the Sandy Springs Police Department. The pay back is a safer driving community for all of us.

The class will cover:

  • Joshua’s Law
  • Graduated Driver Licensing
  • Parent Coaching
  • Teen Responsibility
  • Occupant Protection
  • Crash Dynamics

For more information contact