Food Truck Thursdays – Audra’s review from last week’s event!

I finally was able go to my first Food Truck Thursday last week!   I must admit that this kind of event is right up my alley!   My friend Marcy and I took my two boys and one of hers and everyone is ready to go back again!

Here’s my advice for anyone planning to go:   Grab a picnic blanket or two and/or a few lawn chairs from home to take with you. (Marcy is the one who suggested this and she was right!)  Once you arrive at Brook Run Park, go set up your chairs/blanket on the lawn near the music and have that be your family “meeting place”.   Give your kids some cash (obviously only if they are old enough!) and let them walk around the food truck area and figure out what they want to eat and purchase it on their own.   Have everyone meet back for a picnic dinner at the “meeting place” and enjoy the local music while you eat!   This is what Marcy and I did and it worked GREAT!

Interestingly enough, all of us chose to eat at Soupr Noodles and we all enjoyed our food.  I had the gazpacho because it was so hot outside that I couldn’t even imagine eating hot food at the moment.  It was cool and refreshing and I’d order it again.   My youngest and I did something UNTHINKABLE and had dessert BEFORE dinner!   We wanted to make sure we got our first choice of flavors at King of Pops so we cleansed our palates for dinner with a Pop.   I had the grapefruit orange blossom flavor and it was the perfect choice!  The most popular flavor with our group was Chocolate Sea Salt.

Local Dunwoodians,  Ladd and Hutch Fletcher, (father and son) were performing and their music was great (as usual)!   And it was also fun to see the talented (and also local) teenager, Charlie Haas join in for a few songs.

Tonight’s entertainment is another two groups of local performers!   I’m sure they are going to be equally as fun!   It’s a great community event and everyone should go when they can!   It’s a perfect excuse not to have to cook on Thursday nights!