Dunwoody loses young boy to “the Choking Game”

A young Dunwoody boy who was a Kingsley Elementary student and Murphey Candler baseball player passed away last weekend as a result of playing the deadly Choking Game.  He was a happy 10 year old boy.  I’ve received several emails indicating that his parents asked that in his memory  people pass along this information to educate other parents.

His parents, Henry and Maggie Wang,  requested that you please forward to any parents with children in their families.  They would like anyone who receives the E-mail to also forward to people they know with children in their families.

The Wangs have requested that adults go to http://www.gaspinfo.com/en/home.html , scroll down to the “How Does the Choking Game Work?” video and view the entire video.  After viewing the video, they would like the adults to educate their children or relatives on the dangers described in the video in whatever means they feel is appropriate.

Thank you for helping them with this request.  Please do not share actual video with your child.