Dunwoody High students propose Kai’s Car Wash to benefit former teacher Jenn Spence Mattison

See original story on John Heneghan’s Blog

This is Kai Mattison, the son of Brett & Jenn (a local DES, and former Chesnut teacher). He came to them through the miracle of adoption. But unfortunately, sadly, horribly, and unfairly Kai very recently lost his life to a rare, aggressive form of Kidney Cancer. It was the day before his 10 month birthday.

To add insult to injury his parents are left with lots of debt from astronomical medical bills, lost wages due to precious time spent with their son, and burial expenses. We can’t take their immense grief away, but we can help lessen the financial stress.

So, we the former students of Jenn Spence Mattison, who are now students at Dunwoody High School, are having a car wash fundraiser to support this wonderful teacher.  It is the very least we can do and please join us in supporting this worthy cause.

WHEN: Sat. April 25th, with a rain delay of Sat. May 2nd
TIME: 10am-4pm
WHERE: Burger King parking lot 4537 Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd (Georgetown)
COST: Donation only

For those that can’t make it, but would like to help, you can donate to:


We hope to see you there!