Dunwoody Family’s Home Destroyed In Friday Accident Need Local Rental Home Suggestions

Update:  The family has found a temporary home.  Thanks to everyone who offered to help!

Submitted by an Aha! Subscriber:  I just heard about a very sad incident involving friends of friends. I am reaching out to you because I thought you might be able to help.

A Dunwoody family of six lost their home yesterday in a tragic fire. An elderly man drove his car right into their house causing a terrible fire. He is now dead.

Thankfully, the family was unharmed, but their house is completely destroyed. They are staying with friends while they look for a place to rent. 

I was wondering if you could send something out asking if anyone knows of a home that is available for rent immediately in either the Kingsley or the Vanderlyn school districts. They do not want their names all over the news (although the story has run in the AJC).

They would appreciate it if you could put the request out there without mentioning their name. Thank you so much for any help that you could provide!

Click here for more details about the accident.


Preeti Hosdurg (Friend of the Family)