Dunwoody couple finds broken window, bullet in bedroom

Source: 11Alive

DUNWOODY, Ga. — After their own New Year’s Eve celebration away from their Dunwoody home, Brendan and Lauren Malloney returned early Thursday morning to find a bullet in their bedroom.

“We had no idea what to think,” Lauren Malloney said.

“We saw the broken glass and a bullet on the floor,” Brendan Malloney added.

The couple lives in a neighborhood off Winters Chapel Road. They called 911 to report damage to property; officers immediately suspected celebratory gunfire.

Dunwoody Police posted a picture of the bullet on Facebook to show how risky it is to fire randomly into the air.

It’s also illegal.

“It is reckless conduct,” said Dunwoody Police Sgt. Fidel Espinoza. “The fact that something is falling at terminal velocity is dangerous. It could also be lethal.”

Tracing the bullet will be difficult, but the Malloneys are hoping their close call will be an eye-opener.

“Seem like there are other ways to celebrate that don’t have the potential to harm people,” Lauren Malloney said. “It could have been so much worse.”