Update: Door to Door Salesman Alert

Excerpt from an email to the Dunwoody Neighborhood Watch Coordinators:

“Please pass along the information below to your neighbors.

This past weekend, July 9-10, the Dunwoody Police Department was alerted to male subject soliciting without a permit within our City limits.  Officers responded to a residential area near Peeler Rd and located a male subject who was illegally soliciting for magazine subscriptions.  The male subject was found to have misled residents into believing the proceeds would aide members of the US Military.  The subject was arrested and transported to Dekalb Co Jail.  The subject is described as a white male in his 20’s, approximately 5’10 and weighed around 165 lbs.  He was wearing blue jean shorts and a gray shirt.  If you feel that you may have been a victim to this scheme please contact Det. W. Yeargin, 678-382-6916 or William.yeargin@dunwoodyga.gov.

In order to solicit for a profit within the City of Dunwoody, a permit must be obtained through Dunwoody’s Permit Department located at 41 Perimeter Center East.  I have included a link as well to aide in any additional questions regarding permits which can be found on our website:  http://www.dunwoodyga.gov/Businesses/AlcoholLicenseandPouringPermit.aspx.

Remember to report any suspicious persons or activity to police by calling 911.  I understand it can be a little unsettling to call 911 for this type of incident; however, this is the only way to get an officer to respond to any type of incident no matter how big or small.   Have a great weekend.

Officer Kelly Boyer
Dunwoody Police Department
Community Outreach Unit
41 Perimeter Center East Suite 100
Dunwoody, GA 30346
678-382-6913 Office
770-396-4655 Fax


24 thoughts on “Update: Door to Door Salesman Alert

  1. Audra,
    This guy was in my neighborhood a week or so ago. He was very BOLD he came to my front door after pulling up into my driveway.
    He was banging on the front door. When I told him without opening up the front door that I was not interested he keep pushing with his
    Sales pitch. Finally he got in his car which was a grey/silver old buick or Chevrolet of some sort. He did have badge of some type around his neck.
    I am off Tilly Mill near the JCC.
    Andree F

  2. I wanted to add that several of my neighbors told me verbally that this guy has been all around my neighborhood on different days. He has a random pattern and doesn’t go door to door consecutively but skips around a lot which is strange to me. Audra

  3. I live in Oxford Chase and have seen this man twice. One time he came to my door and he is very bold. Even after you ask him to leave, he pushes his sales pitch. He also pulled in my driveway and was driving the same type of vehicle as described in the earlier email. I thought it was very strange but he asked me to tell him which houses/families had children. I did not tell him anything but I found that to be alarming. I have not seen him around in about a week or so.

  4. I was approached last week by a young white male selling school books (books to help parents teach kids) so am wondering if the same one. He fits description, although do not remember his car, but was definitely not selling magazines. He had a tag with photo and company information, but I did not ask to see his permit. Seemed honest enough so wanted to confirm if same one. I live in Dunwoody Club Forest West and know he approached many of the neighbors.

  5. We live off of Kings Point Drive in the Dunwoody North subdivision. Same description of guy and car visited recently selling “childrens” books. He had a hand drawn map of the area and asked about other houses that had children. Last year, same type of “salesman” arrived at the door, with same hand drawn map – this guy had a foriegn accent-and was selling same – childrens books. Don’t think this is the guy that broke into the Dunwoody Forest residence, but the point here is to be aware and ask for their permit and credentials. Better to be safe than sorry!

  6. I live in Village Mill and was visited by a 20 something blonde (short blonde hair) male on Wednesday evening around 6:00 P.M. He was wearing khaki shorts and a plaid blue button down shirt. His pitch was “I’m the guy helping older and younger kids by selling magazines….”. I cut him off and began shutting the door as I had been warned about this guy from theahaconnection.com. Thanks! After telling my wife about the encounter she stated that he had knocked on our door the day before. She opened the door and he just stood there without saying a word. Obviously she quickly told him she was busy and shut the door. After hearing this I called 911 to report the incidents and was told a police man would be sent out and would most likely contact us for more information. We have yet to be contacted.

  7. I had a guy come to my home on Wednesday selling educational software. He had on ID badges and lots of samples with him of what he was selling. I was a little suspicious of him because of earlier reports of people being in the neighbourhood. He also parked in my driveway as well. I didn’t buy anything from him but when he heard my accent (I am Australian) he pulled out a list of people he said had also brought items from him (another Australian had brought something). He was also asking about my neighbours and if they had kids and if they were home during the day. Not sure if this is the same man or not?? This man also had blonde hair. I was trying to be nice and gave him some bottled water cause he looked so hot! Probably not a smart thing to do I realise now!!! I am on Vermack Road right near the intersection of Womack and Vermack.

  8. This sounds like the same guy that was in Fontainebleau a couple of weekends ago – young, blond, VERY pushy, pushing kids’ books and name dropping of our neighbors’ names and asking if there were kids next door. I had opened the door since my husband was home at the time, but I have instructed my kids and nanny never to open the door for any strangers, servicemen, etc now. What a valuable reminder this serves that even in our family-friendly neighborhoods, we need to be on our guard against possible risks or unsavory characters, however harmless they look.

  9. We too had a young gentleman selling kids books. He insisted on coming in wanting to meet with the kids. Fortunately, the kids were at camp, and I told him he couldnt come in, so we sat on the front stoop while I listened to his pitch. He did have a Dunwoody badge with his picture, but was quite adament (as most sales people are). He was making a map of the neighborhood and asked who had kids and who did not. I didn’t divulge this information because ya never know ones true intentions.

  10. We also had a young guy, dressed very preppy come to our door on Saturday night after dark my daughter(23 yrs. old) and son’s both saw him. They did not answer the door because our porch light was not on and it was dark. He is not the same man that broke into our house yesterday. My boys saw both guys and one is very young selling something – he had a clipboard in his hand. Yesterday the man that came into our home was older, possibly in his 30’s with blonde hair and a beard. So there are 2 different men that have approached our home this week. I hope they are not working together but you never know.

    P.S. – last night the police left we discovered the man had also taken off a screen from an open window in our sunroom and climbed through it try to get into the house where the door was locked but then discovered that the back door was not locked so he was definitely determine to get into our home because he thought no one was home.

  11. After reading the previous posts, I realize that the same guy came to our home in Fontainebleau Forest a few weeks ago. It was 8:45pm, and my husband answered the door. He was selling software. He claimed to have a permit, but my husband quicky got rid of him. Two days later, I saw him approaching another home two doors down. He drives a silver pontiac. He chooses homes randomly and is always running from his car to the door and back to his car. Never walking. I will call the police if he shows up around here again.

  12. Good Afternoon,

    The Dunwoody Police Department is currently investigating two separate burglaries that are occurring by two different individuals. I want to pass along the suspect’s information in an attempt to keep a watchful eye out to preserve our community and apprehend these subjects.

    The first BOLO is for a blue Chrysler PT Cruiser occupied by a white male with a blond beard. This suspect is described as looking like a “blond version of Zac Brown”. When he arrives at a residence he rings the doorbell multiple times and then retreats to the back yard to check for entry points into the residence. This subject has hit in the Hallford area, with entrances off Mount Vernon and Dunwoody Club Dr.

    The second BOLO is for a black Toyota Corolla with two black male occupants. The passenger of the vehicle is described as being heavy set black male and having unmanaged long hair. He was seen knocking on several residents doors, before kicking in a door to make entry into the residence. He has been seen in the Winters Chapel area.

    I apologize for the vague descriptions; however, this is what we are currently working with. Please keep a vigilant watch for any suspicious persons or activity in your area and remember to call 911 to report this type of activity. Do not limit your suspicions to the above descriptions. If you have any information regarding these two subjects please let me know so that I can forward it to Investigations.

    I wanted to also take a minute to thank those of you who have reported a white male who is soliciting children’s books within the City. This subject is driving a silver Pontiac with Montana tags. This subject has obtained a permit to solicit through the City of Dunwoody. I appreciate those of you who have alerted us to his activity and I wanted to make sure you all are aware that we are familiar with him. Thank you. Have a great weekend.

    Officer Kelly Boyer
    Dunwoody Police Department
    Community Outreach Unit
    41 Perimeter Center East Suite 100
    Dunwoody, GA 30346
    678-382-6913 Office
    770-396-4655 Fax

  13. I live in the Springfield subdivision and contacted the police this afternoon b/c I saw the young blonde man that others have posted about. he was driving around to individual driveways and running up to my neighbors’ doors. his car was the silver pontiac with montana license plate – 6C43631. For a while he stood in the street talking to a black person in a black toyota/lexus, who was also seen driving around my neighborhood slowly (couldn’t tell if it was a male or female but the person had long black hair). I watched this blonde man on my street until he turned the corner. After a 1/2 hour I did see a police car drive down my street and was hopefully able to find him.

  14. Hi, I was wondering if there is any place where I can view a sample of an authentic badge issued to solicitors by Dunwoody.

  15. The same guy that was here in my neighborhood returned a few minutes ago. He simply drove down the street and circled around the cul de sac
    And left. He had all the windows down, looked like the exact same guy with some tag around his neck. I could not get his plate since it all happened so
    Fast. Is this the same guy everyone is referring to. I called 911 to alert Dunwoody Police he is out again.
    Andree Frost

  16. Audra,
    The young, white, blond solicitor “Drew” stopped by last night just when I got home. He drove up in a beat up light-colored sedan. Apparently he targets his “clients” rather than going door-to-door. He “sells” school supplies and books. I was on high alert because of your e-mail and immediately asked for a business card to get his full name. He refused, but showed me his solicitor’s badge, but it did not have the City’s logo, so I continued to be suspicious. I told him I was not interested in what he was selling, but he was persistent. K and my dog G were on the front lawn, so I told him to leave because my dog was not friendly (not true). He asked “does she bite?” I said YES! He continued to ask me questions…Unbelievable! I had no choice but to collect K and G, go inside, and put the garage door down.
    I called the DeKalb non-emergency # to make a report and left a message with the City of Dunwoody (it was after hours). The City called back today to say they have been receiving complaints about him for 2 weeks and are working on revoking his solicitor’s permit. The have detectives working on the case. Seems like a slam dunk to me, but apparently this guy has gone through the process and received a legitimate solicitor’s permit from the City. Ugh, he’s awful. Please pass this along.

  17. Submitted by Beth M:
    If anyone complains to you about the salesman, you are welcome to tell them what I just wrote to my Wynterhall neighborhood: He may have a permit, but you still have the right to ask him to leave your property. If he doesn’t go, you can call the police to come and ask him to leave.

  18. I had the Blonde man selling children’s books come to my house 3 separate times. The first two times I did not answer the door. The third time, I let him know that I didn’t appreciate him coming to my house over and over. I know he targeted me because he had seen me and my children at my neighbor’s house. He knew where I lived and kept coming back. This guy is clueless and/or a menace. I really blasted this guy but he had my ire up because the 2nd time he came, he obnoxciously waved to our house when he left. He had the gall to come back the next day.

  19. Hi Audra,
    wanted you to know in case you have heard of anything we just had a young white male come to our front door soliciting for what i don’t know because my husband told he we don’t accept solicitations especially at 9:30 pm at night. He jogged to his car – silver ponitac grand prix not sure if a 2 or 4 door. I called the police to inform them.
    Heather B.

  20. The blonde young guy just came to my house selling books this morning. I called 911 and I am very diappointed with the police not coming out. The 911 lady said that alot of people have called and reported him so i am a little confused if he is really selling or who knows if that is just an excuse? It was extremely creepy and scary to me! i was home alone with my 3 kids and he wanted to come inside. He looked very nervous and very sweaty. He drove a silver 4 door car with a montana tag. I ask where he lived and he said he was homeless and had no business cards. It was very strange to me. I pray that the police take care of this guy before its too late. Especially after all the complaints. He knew all our neighbors, and was telling me the families that already bought books from him. Once again i hope the police take this guy serious and revoke his license so he will stop making us all so nervous.

  21. This same young man visited me in Chateau Woods subdivision this past week. Again young white male,”Drew” with blond hair and blue eyes, about 5’10” tall. Apprears very nice and normal, but I am skeptical. He was selling “children’s educational books”, and also asked if he could come in and what my kids ages were. He also asked if there were any other children that live nearby and at which house. I of course did not give him any info or let him in but he was very pushy. He also came back the next day and I did not answer the door. He also emphasized that he had a “permit” hanging around his neck, and he also drove a light colored (white or silver) sedan but I could not make out the make and model. Share this info with your friends and neighbors, and stay safe!! Tell your kids NOT to answer the door!!!

  22. I saw a young thin guy walking on Meadowlake Lane tonight at around 8:30pm. He was wearing a red baseball hat and had a clipboard. I was outside on my front porch talking to a neighbor. He walked past my house, looked my way, got a call on his cell phone and turned around and walked the other way.

  23. Submitted by KD:
    This morning 2 men came to our house at 8:00 am and approached my husband wanting to come inside our house and talk to him about any questions we may have about the school system. My husband thought this was really odd and asked them to leave. The two men were in a late model 1990’s silver car which may have been a Grand Prix. One guy was about 6 feet 2 inches with short curly blond hair and the second was shorter with short curly brown hair and it looked like they could be brothers. Once my husband asked them to leave they drove out of our cul-de-sac onto Mt. Vernon and left our street without going to the houses next door.

    I called the police complaint line and they took the information. But they said that they still dispatch the patrol cars though the DeKalb county system and would need a tag number in order to try to find the people to check it out.

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