Donaldson Bannister Farmhouse Stabilization

The Donaldson-Bannister Farmhouse was built in the 1870’s and has been named to the Georgia Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places. Presently, the building is in need of renovation before it can be opened to the public. To aid in this initiative the Dunwoody Preservation Trust commissioned a Master Plan for the property to guide the planned renovations and future investment in the property.

The city is beginning the first phase of renovations with efforts to stabilize the farmhouse and protect against further deterioration. Improvements include the repair of a bowed wall, replacement of windows and roof repairs. Additionally, a non-historic section of the barn will be removed and an ADA compliant restroom, a multi-purpose room and an outdoor gathering place will be constructed in accordance with the historical character of the property. 

The restorative construction will take place over the next several months and the facilities are expected to be stabilized by the end of 2015.