The Student Government Association would like to congratulate the winners and runners-up for Homecoming King and Queen announced at halftime of the Homecoming Game Friday night.
- 3rd Runners-up Devin Francois and Kelly Zellner
- 2nd Runners-up Jake Baxter and Emily Benston
- 1st Runners-up Gerrardo Romero and Brenda Bonill
- Homecoming King Gus Asbury
- Homecoming Queen Hannah Keen
Winners of the Class Float competition: All floats were created around
the Homecoming theme–“An Enchanted Evening”
- 4th Place: Seniors Mirror, Mirror
- 3rd Place: Sophomores Alice in Wonderland’s Tea Party
- 2nd Place: Freshmen The Wizard of Oz
- Winner of the Float Competition: Junior Class with their Wildcat at the Ball
Thank you to all of the students, teachers and parents who worked so hard to make Homecoming 2014 a huge success.