The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) publishes a great deal of data about Georgia public schools. GOSA has loaded some data reflecting the 2014-2015 school year and will over the next several months publish additional data. Click on the following link to view the GOSA Downloadable Data:
Below is a chart which shows HOPE Eligible data for each DeKalb County High School. Dunwoody High School has the 2nd largest percentage of students HOPE eligible within DCSD and is ranked 42nd in the State of Georgia for percentage of students HOPE eligible.
HOPE Eligibility Requirements: A student who graduates from an eligible high school or accredited high school program must earn a 3.00 cumulative grade point average on all core coursework and meet academic rigor requirements, beginning with students graduating from an eligible high school on or after May 1, 2015. Since the grade point average calculation for the HOPE Scholarship is unique, click here for a chart that explains how it is calculated. Click here to see the chart and read more.