Changes coming to Dunwoody elementary schools?

If you want your opinion to count you should attend one of these “charrettes”

Note from Audra:

I copied the following notice from an announcement I received.   You’ve all probably seen these announcements in various places but I wanted to send something out as a reminder since these discussions very well may affect the 6 Dunwoody High School Elementary Feeder schools (Austin, Vanderlyn, Chesnut, Kingsley, Hightower and Dunwoody Elementary).  I don’t personally know any details or facts but wanted to mention that if this topic interests you then you should probably attend the next meeting at Peachtree Charter Middle school.  I’m putting it on my calendar:

The Public Engagement Process is THIS month for the DeKalb County Redistricting and School Consolidation Plan for the 2011-2012 school year and 2020 Facilities Master Plan, which will be developed and approved from October 2010- February 2011.   The DeKalb county school board votes in February on redistricting and school consolidations based on the recommendations  from the county’s assessment this fall. Complete details of the timeline:

Your opportunity to vote and give your feedback is THIS month at one of the Public Charrettes:

  • Tuesday, November 30, 6:30-8:30 pm at Peachtree Charter Middle School

A full list of public charrettes at other locations in DeKalb county are at charrette process will consist of a powerpoint presentation.  Then the public will vote on issues concerning redistricting and consolidation of schools and the facility master plan through interactive wireless keypads.   After each question, the results will be immediately given in bar graph form showing the responses of the group voting.  After the large group voting that evening, trained facilitators will engage in small group discussions to allow further feedback from the community.

At the November 3rd DCPC (Dunwoody Chamblee Parents Council) Meeting at Dunwoody Elementary School, DCSS Interim Superintendent Ramona Tyson spoke about the 2020 Vision: Master Plan for School Consolidation and Redistricting.  Ms. Tyson reiterated how this is the time to have your input heard through the public engagement charrettes.   The Interim Superintendent also stated that data gathered during the assessment process would be published on the DCSS website to further promote transparency with the community.   Ms. Tyson said that all emails sent to her will be listened to in the process and categorized into areas that are weighed into the decision making process.