Sponsor Thank you!

Hi Audra,

I’m late sending this e-mail but just wanted to say I liked the ad!

I got 2 confirmed appts and 6 e-mail inquiries that might come to
pass a little later.

I plan to run this ad again in mid to late January.  I think the Christmas
holiday’s might be crowding out most other things at the moment.… Read More »



I took my girls and 2 of their friends to the Nutcracker at St. Pius on Saturday.  They all LOVED it and it was such a fun outing for us.  I never would have known about it if not for your messages.

Thank you so much for keeping us all in the loop 🙂

Happy Holidays to you and your family!… Read More »

Your network is truly amazing.


Your network is truly amazing.  It reaches so many people and is a fantastic resource.  Thanks for maintaining it.

Vanessa called me and her dog would not come to me because he is deaf and couldn’t hear me (unfortunately).  She hasn’t found him yet, but at least she knows where to start looking.

Thanks again.… Read More »

Praise from a friend!

Hi Audra,

I love the AHA! Connection because it provides me with so much good local information.  Plus it makes me smile when you mention your family because I can just picture you guys doing the things you describe (harvesting food from your garden, working at the pumpkin patch, etc.).  However, this post about the garbage cracks me up the most because we forgot to take the recycling out last week and I was looking at my overflowing bins waiting for tomorrow…but I will instead have to continue to overflow them and wait until next week. … Read More »

Thank you for all the emails


You are so awesome!  Thank you for all the emails but especially the AHA email about the Thanksgiving service projects for kids.  I would never have known about those unless they were right in front of my face and am so thankful to know now so we can participate as a family.


Liz A.… Read More »

I’m amazed….

Hi Audra – thanks for sending. I’m amazed that you do this in addition to your full time job and taking care of your family! Jean B. was the first person to connect me over the summer to the Aha! Connection when I was desperately looking for a nanny in the afternoon for my kids while I was at work. … Read More »

Thank you….We’ve already gotten three new weekly clients


I just wanted to write to you and thank you for listing my sister and myself as tutors on your mailing list! We’ve already gotten three new weekly clients and two more are pending for pre-exam needs. Since iTutorBuckhead offers an additional free hour of tutoring for each client who refers a new steady client, I wanted to make sure you know that this counts for you as well.… Read More »

I think that your website is fantastic

I think that your website is fantastic and I first heard about it through North Springs United Methodist Preschool, where my son attends. Although I live in Sandy Springs, most of your information is directly useful for me too. Thanks, Laura… Read More »

I am blown away by the kindness and generosity of you and your friend with the dog website.


Thank you so much for all of your help yesterday.  Kristen got a call last night within 4 hours of your e-mail.  Unfortunately, we did not have a happy ending.  The call was to let her know that a cat that matched Callie’s description had been hit and killed by a car.  While it was sad news, knowing what had happened was still better than the continued uncertainty and anxiety. … Read More »

Knitternall giveaway!!

Audra, I just posted a giveaway on my blog: http://knitternall.blogspot.com/2010/10/knitternall-100-giveaway.html. I’ll knit and giveaway a gorgeous lace shawl to one follower once the total reaches 100. If things happen quickly enough, the shawl could be finished in time for holiday giving!

I’m awed by how interconnected we are in Dunwoody … your connection brings that home with every email that lands in my inbox.… Read More »