Thanks for all the connecting you do!!


I’ve been looking for a part-time job that would work with my kids’ school schedule.  I’ve applied for several positions through the Aha! Connection and now one of them is mine!  I was hired at The Panitch Law Group and have been working for a couple of weeks now.   We seem to be a great fit for each other and I’m loving it! … Read More »

what a great source of fun and helpful information

THought I’d pass along a “Friday treat”. I wore my AHA! t-shirt while hiking up and down Stone Mountain last weekend. When we got to the bottom I turned around to take a picture and a woman said “I’m glad you finally turned around. I’ve been behind you and wondered what was on the front”.  She had seen the web site on back:) We introduced ourselves and I told her about AHA!… Read More »

Great food at Alison’s!

We went to Alison’s Restaurant last night for dinner.  I told Alison that we came because of the Aha! Connection.  She was very happy to hear.  GREAT food.  I had  salmon picatta that was delicious.

Sibet Freides… Read More »

OH MY GOSH – The Aha! Connection is amazing!

Submitted by Betsy R.:

When I got home tonight I had fabulous email waiting for me from one of my clients.  She is being left high and dry by her nanny so I mentioned your website as a possible resource.  Here is what I got tonight….

subject:  OH MY GOSH – The Aha Connection is amazing!… Read More »

50 leads in one day and they are still coming!

Audra-  50 leads in one day!!!!  And they are still coming!!  You are amazing.  I will make sure I protect your integrity by not doing any type of aggressive sales approach.  They have the info they requested.  I will write them hand written notes with my business card and continue to soft sell follow up.  THANK YOU! … Read More »

Your newsletter is incredible

Your newsletter is incredible.  I look forward to receiving it whether it is an alert to the area, or a new business, I even hired Tender Gardens thanks to your newsletter 🙂

L. Schilling… Read More »

This was a great form of advertising!

This was a great form of advertising!  I would definitely recommend it – it boosted my sales for the week!  It was also a lot of fun having daily drawings and prizes.  Not to mention it gets your name out there for possible future sales!  I am very satisfied!!!!  Let me know if I can do / write anything for you!… Read More »

Your service is a blessing!!

Can I thank you enough? I don’t think so.  In just one week, we have hired a great lawn boy (hello, for $7/hr!), loaded my new iPad with tons of fun apps and now possibly found a sitter for the occasional days that I need to work…all thanks to AHA!  I am also going to a Bible study this Friday that is desperately seeking a sitter for the group for one time and I just bet one of these will work.… Read More »

…you are performing the highest community service

I don’t think this is a CNN hero kind of thing, but Audra, you are performing the highest community service. The diversity is unbelievable. And I don’t think it could happen anywhere but where we are- in a community where people really know each other with defined borders. Thank you so much for all the work you put into your little (not so little) business.… Read More »

Just saying thanks!

I just wanted to say thanks for the AHA connection!  It is becoming an indispensible connection to everything Dunwoody!  I am reading it daily and am very appreciative of the information and convenience.

So Thanks!

Also, let me know if you have any of the Aha! T-Shirts left!


Joerg GrauRead More »