Tech Tip: When Should You Upgrade Your Phone?

Source:  The Boston 100

With the new “8” products – iPhone and Samsung primarily – around the corner, do you NEED to upgrade your phone to the newest product? CNBC had an article earlier this year saying no, you don’t have to upgrade often. Here are ideas for when you should upgrade:

• Out of storage – the cloud may help, but if you’re at capacity with your apps, you should upgrade.… Read More »

Grammar Lessons with Kate: Yeah, yea and yay

Yeah, yea and yay

by Kate Asbury Larkin

Yeah (yeh): A casual way to say yes.
“Yeah, I was the one who called you.”

Yea: Affirmative, as in a vote – or the 23rd Psalm.
“All in favor, say “yea.”
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”

Yay: Expressing triumph, excitement or joy,
“Yay for football season!”… Read More »

The 12 Apps That Every Parent Of A Teen Should Know About

Not everything online is evil, nor does danger lurk behind every new app that comes to market. But keeping up with your teens’ and preteens’ online activities is much like trying to nail jelly to the barn door — frustrating, futile and something bound to make you feel inept.

Keep in mind that no app poses a danger in and of itself, but many do provide kids with an opportunity to make, ahem, bad choices.… Read More »

Grammar Lessons with Kate: Effect vs. affect

Effect vs. affect

by Kate Asbury Larkin

Easiest way to remember is this:

Affect is a verb; effect is a noun.

Most of the time, “affect” is used as a verb meaning to influence something and “effect” is used for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and effect is so slippery that people have started using “impact” as a verb instead.… Read More »

Grammar Lessons with Kate: Lightening vs. lightning

by Kate Asbury Larkin

Lightening vs. lightning

You can lighten something with bleach, but you cannot lightning it.

Lightening is a verb and is the opposite of darkening.

Lightning is a noun or an adjective, and refers to a bolt of light from the sky.

Lightning can lighten you up, but not in a good way.… Read More »

Movie Pass Giveaway: Victoria & Abdul Starring Judi Dench and Ali Fazal

Note from Audra:  This preview makes me think this movie will be delightful!

We have an advance screening on Monday September 25th at Regal Perimeter Point at 7:30pm with a link for you to obtain free passes for 2 until they run out!  I believe we have approximately 25.

Victoria & Abdul tells the extraordinary true story of the amazing and unlikely friendship between Queen Victoria (Judi Dench) and a young clerk, Abdul Karim (Ali Fazal), who becomes her teacher, her spiritual advisor, and her devoted friend.… Read More »

Grammar Lessons with Kate: How to Pluralize Last Names

by Kate Asbury Larkin

Since this is the time of year folks start painting door hangers and ordering Christmas cards, let’s get an early start on how to pluralize a last name.

It’s easy. Do NOT use an apostrophe.

When you make a door hanger or send/address a card, you aren’t claiming possession, you are just letting people know who it’s from.… Read More »

Grammar Lessons with Kate: Supposedly vs. supposeably

by Kate Asbury Larkin

Supposedly vs. supposeably

Supposeably* is not a word; the word is supposedly. #forthelove

What are some other “words” people say that really aren’t words and/or do not mean what they intend for them to mean? 

*And for those who delight in proving me wrong, supposeably is actually a word (meaning capable of being supposed, imagined or considered), but that isn’t what those who use it are referring to, so they need to stop saying it and use supposedly, which is what they mean. … Read More »

Grammar Lessons with Kate: Wander vs. wonder

by Kate Asbury Larkin

Wander vs. wonder


Wander is a verb meaning to move aimlessly around.

Wonder is a verb or a noun meaning to ponder or think about something.

I wonder what I was thinking when I decided to do 31 days of this; I know my mind wanders too much to stay focused for that long.… Read More »

iPhone 8 Announcement Believed to Be Set for Sept. 12

It’s that time again; Apple fanatics everywhere are awaiting the highly anticipated announcement of the next generation iPhone, the iPhone 8.

Rumors have been swirling about what to expect from the new device for over a year. After last year’s underwhelming iPhone 7, everyone is expecting to be blown away with Apples’ 10th-anniversary model, and it looks like we are getting closer and closer to discovering what Apple has up its sleeve.… Read More »