Tatiana Answers: How to make friends as an adult?

Dear Tatiana:

How does one make new friends as an adult if they don’t go to church? I’m a single mom of 2, introverted and in need of some friends.



Dear Anonymous, 

Single or married, introverted or extroverted, feelings of loneliness and social isolation are common for many adults. You are not alone. Social media frequently compounds those feelings by creating a skewed  sense of reality and inappropriate expectations of what our lives are “supposed to look like.” … Read More »

Tech Tips from Dunwoody PC

My friend Adam has saved me more than a few times with a daunting computer issue or two or three……so when he sends out his newsletters I always feel like I should share because I know many of you could benefit from his tips.  So here’s his latest newsletter in its entirety:

Greetings from Adam at Dunwoody Personal Computers.… Read More »

Book of the Week: The Pact, A Love Story

You may have noticed that it has been some time since I’ve read a book.  I’ve been in a book withdrawal crisis for a while.  Life has just thrown a lot of time consuming things my way recently and I haven’t made time to read.  I had to remedy this problem ASAP because I feel lost when I’m not in the middle of a good book.  … Read More »

Tatiana Answers: How old for double ear piercing?

Dear Tatiana:

How old should a girl be to get her ears double pierced?


Dear Anonymous,

The answer is whenever her parents feel like it’s appropriate. Your daughter’s frontal lobe (the part of our brain where our decision making ability comes from) won’t be fully developed until she is 25 at the earliest. She needs to borrow yours in the meantime.… Read More »



Movie Pass Giveaway: 30 Admit 2 Passes to see Book Club

We have 30 (Admit 2) passes to see Paramount Pictures’ Book Club on Sunday, May 13th at 2:00 PM at Regal Atlantic Station.  (Please note this screening is NOT at Perimeter Pointe)

Diane (Diane Keaton) is recently widowed after 40 years of marriage. Vivian (Jane Fonda) enjoys her men with no strings attached. Sharon (Candice Bergen) is still working through decades-old divorce.… Read More »

Tatiana Answers: How to talk money with a spouse who doesn’t want to discuss.

Dear Tatiana,

How do you handle talking about money and your future with money if your spouse never likes to talk about it. He says we are on the same page, but our financial strain tells differently. I want to be able to have a meaningful conversation and I get nowhere.  




Dear Anonymous,

When you observe male animals in the wild, they have a natural instinct to protect.… Read More »


Tatiana Matthews

Style Moment: We’re Giving Away the New Spring Nail Polish Colors!

Note from Audra:

I can’t wait to try these colors…and the “game changing” new products that keep my nails chip free for more than a week!  I’ve bought one of each to give away too! Just leave a comment with the color you like the most and I’ll pick a winner for every color next Friday. Read More »


Aha! Style Editor

Tatiana Answers: How can I get my high-schooler to take the initiative to do at least ok in school?

Dear Tatiana,

My high school student often does not do his homework or study for tests. Consequently, his grades are poor. I try to let him take responsibility, but he seems to not care. Should I nag and micromanage his school work, or let him fail? He does better when I get involved and remind him to do his work, but how can I get him to take the initiative to do well (or at least adequately) in school?Read More »


Tatiana Matthews LPC

Big Library Read – “The first ever global eBook club”

Big Library Read (BLR) is a reading program through your library that connects millions of readers around the world with the same eBook at the same time without any wait lists or holds.  It’s a worldwide digital version of a local book club, the program is free through your local library or school library and all you need to get started reading is a library card or student ID. … Read More »

Tatiana Answers: How to handle son admitting to vaping.

Dear Tatiana, 

My son admitted to vaping marijuana a few times.  How should we handle?



Dear Anonymous,

Your job is to respond unemotionally, non-judgmentally, sticking to the facts and the natural consequences. Start with validating the value of his honesty and how that impacts trust in your relationship with him. If he understands that freedom and trust goes hand in hand, he may be more motivated to continue to be honest.… Read More »

Tatiana Answers: Is it normal for a man not to kiss…ever?

Dear Tatiana, 

Is it normal for a man not to kiss? Why would someone not kiss ever (his wife)? 


Asking for a friend

Dear Asking for a friend, 

No, it’s not normal for a married man not to kiss his wife ever. There are multiple reasons why this may be occurring. Many men with un-diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorders struggle with physical intimacy (there is a great book that talks about this called 22 Things a Woman Must Know if She Loves a Man with Asperger’s Syndrome written by Rudy Simone), as well as men who have been sexually abused, who are struggling with their sexuality or who may be unhappy in their marriage.… Read More »