Lately at Lunch with Lauren: Spaghetti • Secret Pint BBQ • Budi’s Sushi Two-Go

by Lauren Townsend for The Aha! Connection

Join the Lunch with Lauren Facebook group for immediate access to Lauren’s yummy news!

December 2, 2020

This. Is my kids’ favorite meal at home. This is their comfort food. Spaghetti and this quick, homemade tomato sauce. Saute a diced onion and 5ish cloves of garlic in olive oil.… Read More »

Ask Tatiana: What is a first session like? Do you go in with a “problem?” Who starts talking? 

Natalie Stadnick-Uhl from Atlanta Specialized Care gives some tips about counseling sessions:

While it can vary some between counselors — everyone has a different style — the first session is usually an “intake” session. You’ll fill out forms either in the office or prior to the appointment explaining any medical or social history that you’d like to share and be provided with information about limits to confidentiality. … Read More »

Travel Tuesday with Danielle ~ 2021 Travel Plans Survey Results & More!

by Danielle Garrett of PlanIt Itineraries for The Aha! Connection

Corona fatigue looks to be real based on last week’s survey results.  35% of survey respondents said they would travel in the Continental U.S. during 2021.  Almost 25% said they plan to travel outside the U.S.  The even more interesting data was how many people plan to travel with or without a vaccine…evenly split with 31.58% for each. … Read More »

Audra & Peggy Visited Lift Yoga and LOVED it!

by Audra H. Anders for The Aha! Connection

Most people do not realize that I worked for AT&T for 15 years.   For several years I worked at AT&T’s Atlanta HQ building at 1200 Peachtree Street in Midtown.   My office was on the 11th out of 12 floors and our fitness center was one flight up on the 12th floor.  … Read More »

Travel Tuesday with Danielle ~ Take our one question 2021 Travel Poll!

by Danielle Garrett of PlanIt Itineraries for The Aha! Connection

Many of you had your 2020 vacations stripped from you and replaced with quarantining, social distancing, and small social bubbles!  There are many questions circling around 2021….When will the vaccine be distributed, when can I see family safely, when can I stop wearing a mask, when will international travel open AND will Covid stop the sneak attacks on all my plans? … Read More »

Methane Studios Book Signing & Pop Up Show

Mark McDevitt and Robert Lee, founders of Methane Studios based in Atlanta, GA, have released their first book just in time for the holiday season. 21st Century Schizoid Brand, a 508-page hardback book, showcases more than 1000 limited edition posters and art print design created over 22 years by the award winning illustration and design studio.… Read More »

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Jordana Yair
(404) 614-0006

Recently at Lunch with Lauren: Dog Cake • Hasselback potatoes • Custom Cutting Board • Big Dave’s Cheesesteaks

by Lauren Townsend for The Aha! Connection

Join the Lunch with Lauren Facebook group for immediate access to Lauren’s yummy news!

November 11th

It is Olive Dog’s Gotcha Day. We made her a cake (and Cricket orchestrated a balloon drop, but that seemed more traumatic). This cake is safe for dogs to eat and I’m not sure how it tastes, but Olive liked it.… Read More »

Travel Tuesday with Danielle ~ Vaccine News:  Let The Planning Begin!

by Danielle Garrett of PlanIt Itineraries for The Aha! Connection

2020 has been the year that no one will ever forget (in fact I think I’ve developed a Covid twitch), but yesterday’s Pfizer vaccine news may be the cure to my twitch and certainly brought a lightness to my step that was greatly needed!  There are many things I have missed due to Covid…hugging people, seeing my Mom, seeing people’s faces without a mask and TRAVEL!… Read More »

Travel Tuesday with Danielle ~ Jackson Hole: A perfect family summer vacation!

by Danielle Garrett of PlanIt Itineraries for The Aha! Connection

In light of how exhausting this election year has been, I decided that today’s Travel Tuesday needed to focus on a fun and beautiful destination that would make for a wonderful summer vacation.  Going out west this past summer was hugely popular and there is no question that the same western vacation trend will continue next summer. … Read More »

Audra’s 2020 Halloween Count & Synopsis

by Audra Anders for The Aha! Connection

My husband and I bought our home from the original owners in 2002. The Orgerons loved Halloween. Interestingly enough, they kept a tally of the number of trick-or-treaters that came to the front door each Halloween since 1984. We kept up the tradition of counting as accurately as we can with the help of all our Halloween guests each year!… Read More »

Travel Tuesday with Danielle ~ CommonPass, Road Trip Ideas, RV Podcast & Flight Deals!

by Danielle Garrett of PlanIt Itineraries for The Aha! Connection

Could a new App be the future of international travel?  Click here to read about the CommonPass.  It sounds like we will see this App rolled out more broadly by Nov/Dec.

If you are hoping to hit the road over Thanksgiving break, check out these ideas for road trips from Atlanta!Read More »

TRAVEL TUESDAY with Danielle ~ Holiday Travel: Driving or Flying?

by Danielle Garrett of PlanIt Itineraries for The Aha! Connection

There has been a growing trend of last-minute bookings.  Pre-Covid last minute bookings would usually financially punish the traveler.  Demand was so high for travel that “last minute deals” had become a thing of the past.  With so many travelers now pulling the trigger later than normal, the booking windows that airlines and hotels had become accustomed to have shrunk considerably. … Read More »

Join Us For an Exclusive Decision-Making Event

Want to make better decisions? Who doesn’t?

Join Andy Stanley for this special one-night event where Andy discusses some of the life-changing ideas from his new book, Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets. This teaching will help you make better decisions no matter the context—your finances, relationships, career, and more!

Who is this event for? Anyone that plans to make a decision!… Read More »

Travel Tuesday with Danielle: Hawaii ~ Plan your future trip soon!

by Danielle Garrett of PlanIt Itineraries for The Aha! Connection

Hawaii has been very strict during Covid with a mandatory 14-day quarantine required to visit.  Among the U.S. states, only Nevada relies more heavily on tourism so reviving Hawaii’s economy has become extremely important!  Hawaii had a record 10.4 million visitors in 2019.  2020 is estimated to be 73% below last year’s numbers!!… Read More »