Book of the Week: All the Light We Cannot See

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
This is an award winning, NY Times best selling,  beautifully written story set during the midst of WWII.  The stories of the lives of Marie-Laure, a blind french girl and Werner, an orphaned German boy are told separately until they intertwine in a very complex and life-changing way.  … Read More »

Book of the week: The Martian by Andy Weir

The Martian by Andy Weir
There’s this guy named Matt that is actually a friend of a friend of mine and I’ve met him but don’t really know him at all.  However, every book he has ever recommended to me I have LOVED.   So, since I’m a bookworm/nerd I actually get super excited whenever Matt recommends a book. … Read More »

Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath ~ 5 Week Priscilla Shirer Bible Study at Dunwoody United Methodist Church

2015 January 8, 15, 22, 29 & February 5 Please join us for the newest women’s study from Priscilla Shirer, Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath. The study will be held on Thursday mornings beginning January 8, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and last for 5 weeks, ending on February 5.  Room 258/259 at DUMC.

One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop and cease from all the activities and busyness and just breathe.… Read More »

Children of the Day- An Evening Beth Moore Bible Study at DUMC Starting in January

Join Beth Moore and walk the shores of Thessalonica with this verse-by-verse Bible study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Nine week study beginning Wednesday, January 7 from 7:00-9:15 p.m. in Room 258/9 at Dunwoody United Methodist Church.

During this study, you’ll learn how to let go of past mistakes and discover your circumstances are not coincidental – God’s timing is impeccable!… Read More »

Book of the Week: Mocking Jay

I read this series more than 3 years ago and remember being so hooked that I read books 2 and 3 in one rainy weekend.  My family saw the movie on Friday and really enjoyed it.   My boys and I have read the books and spent the car ride to the theater refreshing our memories about the storyline.  … Read More »

Outlander – Book of the Week

This is my Meadowlake Book Club’s book of the month for December.   I procrastinated starting it because it is a little long and it has several books in the series.  Yes, I love series but my name is Audra and I’m a book-a-holic.   I’m having to stop reading in order to type this post and that makes me mad!  … Read More »

Books of the Week: NY Times Best Selling Top E-Book Fiction

I’m taking advantage of the DeKalb Thanksgiving Break and going on a family vacation!  Time to read is something I always build into my vacation plans.   I already have more than enough books to read in my house but I can’t resist the temptation to peek at the current best sellers to see if any of those will worm their way to the top of my stack!  … Read More »

Book of the Week: BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP

I saw the trailer for this book-turned-movie while watching television on Monday night and gasped!  I remember devouring this book in one weekend a few years ago.  Every day Christine wakes up not knowing where she is. Her memories disappear every time she falls asleep. It’s a strange concept but this thriller kept me turning the pages and mistrusting everyone in the book! … Read More »

Popular: Boys, Booze, and Jesus

Wow..what an amazing memoir/Christian testimony from a young woman who was a metro Atlanta High School student not so long ago.  Popular:  Boys, Booze, and Jesus  was recommended to me by two women who mentor high school sophomore girls at Dunwoody Baptist Church.  I wanted to SHAKE the author when she was in High School and hug her when she transformed in College. … Read More »