Book of the Week: Ender’s Game

Ender’s Game Ender’s Game (The Ender Quartet series Book 1) by Orson Scott Card by Tor Books Kindle Edition ~ Release Date: 2010-04-01

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Book review by Abby Chambless, Dunwoody High School Book Club

For the month of January, the Dunwoody High Book Club decided to read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. Andrew Wiggin, aka Ender, is a young boy who was sent to a training academy in space to learn how to battle an alien race known as “Buggers”.… Read More »

Book of the Week: The Impossible Knife of Memory

The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson by Speak Paperback ~ Release Date: 2015-06-02

List Price: $9.99 Our Price: $4.99

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by Macon Chiles
DHS Junior The Impossible Knife of Memory Review The last time I was in the bookstore, I happened across The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson. Upon seeing that name most people would have thought, ‘Oh, that’s the woman who wrote that phenomenal trauma novel Speak, about overcoming the trauma of sexual assault!’… Read More »

Kingsley’s Used Book Sale

Kingsley Elementary School (2051 Brendan Drive) is selling great books at great prices! Soft cover books are only $1. Hard cover books are $2 and baby board books are $.50. Books for children and adults of all ages are available. Open to the community from 7am-3pm on Tuesday February 9th – Thursday February 11th.… Read More »


Elisheva Funk
(678) 874-8902

Book of the Week: Remember Jane by Mark D. Paul (Winners are Mary K and Elizabeth!)

Remember Jane Remember Jane by Mark D. Paul Paperback

Our Price: $12.99

Buy Now Note from Audra…I’m planning to read this soon!  I already have it on my Kindle.  The author is the Youth Director at Dunwoody Baptist Church and the kids and parents at DBC LOVE him.  Mark is giving away copies of Remember Jane to two lucky Aha!Read More »

Book of the Week: The Martian

The Martian by Andy Weir

The Martian by Andy Weir by Broadway Books Paperback ~ Release Date: 2014-10-28

List Price: $15.00 Our Price: $8.87

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Following is a NEW Review by DHS Book Club Co-President, Christy Holloway After hearing all the buzz about The Martian coming out as a movie, the Dunwoody Book club decided to read the book before seeing the movie.… Read More »

Books of the Week – American Literature Requirements for DHS Students

Books of the Week
American Literature Requirements for DHS Students Burger Boy is taking American Literature at Dunwoody High next semester.  This is the required English course for all DHS Juniors.  His book worm Mama is so excited that he will be forced to read novels that I couldn’t wait to find out what he’s going to be reading so we can discuss together!… Read More »

Book of the Week: Sarah’s Key

Book of the Week
Sarah’s Key Book Review by Dunwoody High School Junior, Abby Chambless Note from Audra:  I read this in 2010 and gave it 4 Stars on Goodreads.  It is an excellent book!  Peggy also read it and loved it too!


Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay Paperback ~ Release Date: 2008-09-30

List Price: $13.95 Our Price: $2.05

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For the month of November, the theme for Dunwoody High School’s Book Club was historical fiction.… Read More »

Souper Jenny Cooks! – a Foodie Patty Giveaway (Giveaway is closed. Winners were announced via email.)

Book of the Week: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

Book of the Week
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo Kindle Edition ~ Release Date: 2014-10-14

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My neighbor, Liz, chose this book for our December Meadowlake Book Club.  I read the title, balked and decided not to read it.  However, soon after giving up on the title,  I sat next to my friend Mary at the Young Life Banquet and she mentioned to me that her husband recently read the book on a long flight. … Read More »

Book of the Week: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Book of the Week
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey The 5th Wave: The First Book of the 5th Wave Series by Rick Yancey by Speak Paperback ~ Release Date: 2015-02-10

List Price: $10.99 Our Price: $5.65

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  Book Review by Macon Chiles, Dunwoody High School Junior   I usually pride myself in being able to, for the most part, outsmart the books I read.… Read More »

Book of the Week: Anna Dressed in Blood

Book of the Week
Anna Dressed in Blood Note from Audra:  Christy Holloway is the third of my trio of Dunwoody High School Juniors to provide us with a Junior Book Review.  Christy along with Abby Chambless started the ‘DHS Bookclub’ this year.   When Christy told me about it I immediately asked her if she and Abby would be willing to write about some of their fave choices from their book club reading this year. Read More »